Plage des Corsaires, Anglet (Biarritz)
Nell’età di mezzo il Golfo di Biscaglia fu teatro di battaglie tra eserciti, corsari e pirati. La costa biarrote e gli edifici resistettero a lungo alle scorribande dei pirati finché, come scrisse Patrick Le Divenah in Mémoire de l’imaginaire (2011), essi furono “sconfitti dai ripetuti colpi degli assalitori marittimi, ma ancora di più, forse, da quelli, altrettanto ostinati, del nemico interno e dell’immobiliare”.
Plage des Corsaires, Anglet (Biarritz)
In the middle ages, the Bay of Biscay was the scene of battles between armies, corsairs and pirates. The Biarrote coast and the
buildings resisted pirate raids for a long time, until, as Patrick Le Divenah wrote in Mémoire de l’imaginaire (2011), they were “defeated by the repeated blows of the maritime attackers, but even more, perhaps, by those equally obstinate of the internal enemy and the real estate”.